Thursday, April 28, 2022

Spot the Difference #3


Click HERE for a better view.

Here is my third and last puzzle (for now) in this series.

This one is called 'Meow District' and there are 10 differences.
I recommend looking at it on a tablet or laptop.

I was imagining post-war Showa era Japan vibe and architecture. In a part of the city that is unfamiliar. During sunset, when it slowly starts to get dark and chilly. People heading home. Others heading out. I really enjoyed adding fun and mysterious/creepy/eerie elements in this one too.

I treated these three puzzles like a homework assignment. The challenge was to design three distinct scenes and attempt at being a puzzle-maker. I'm pretty happy with the results. I hope you liked it too. Thank you for playing. :)

*click HERE for answer key to this puzzle.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Spot the Difference #2


Click HERE for a better view.

I made another Spot-the-Difference puzzle for you to play.

This one is called 'At The Edendale' and there are 10 differences.
I recommend looking at it on a tablet or laptop.

The idea for this image came from a photo I took at The Edendale, for my friend, Jordana's birthday. Masha, Ken Garduno, and David at the table too. I hope it's challenigng and fun.

*click HERE for answer key to this puzzle.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Spot the Difference

 Click HERE for a better view.

(*scroll down for answer key)

Hello! I made a Spot-the-Difference puzzle for you to play in your spare time.

This one is called 'Ghost Stories' and there are 10 differences.

I recommend looking at it on a tablet or laptop, though the difference wont be something too small or detailed like the Japanese writing in the center.

I wonder how long it will take you to solve it. It may take 15 minutes or it may take more than an hour. Let me know how long it took you the comments here or on my Instagram. I hope it's fun!

I was inspired by Saizeriya, a family restaurant chain in Japan, that has a kid's menu spot-the-difference that kept stumping adults. The illustrator, Yamasaki Hideaki (aka The Rocket Gold Star), is a genuis for creating these super challenging puzzles.

Click HERE to play Saizeriya puzzles.
I recommend scrolling down to the 2018 and after.

*click HERE for answer key to 'Ghost Stories' puzzle.