'So Much to Say' 23.5"x20" oil, ink, and graphite on wood panel
(i'll post a better image of it when i can)
(i'll post a better image of it when i can)
for the upcoming '20 Years Under the Influence of Juxtapoz' show.
This super special exhibition celebrates Juxtapoz's vast influence on our movement.
At the Municipal Art Gallery in Barnsdall Park.
Opening reception is Saturday 2/21 6-11pm.
show runs till April 12th.
RSVP required RSVP@lamag.org for opening night.
I've snuck a peak and trust me, it's a fantastic show! don't miss it.
curated by Andrew Hosner from Thinkspace Gallery and Gary Pressman from Copro Gallery.

congrats :):)
ReplyDeleteNice post
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ReplyDeleteIs it possible to buy a print of this magnificent work ?
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