Tuesday, April 10, 2012

. paint paint paint .

currently working on my next show for Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York. September 8th.

will be exploring with solid blacks. crisp lines and patterns.
juxtaposed with the subtle soft of face, figure, and such.

painting layers of intricate black shapes is completely meditating.
the challenge is how to incorporate other elements with it to make an interesting image.

hope the next few months will be fruitful. :)

~above image taken with Iphone app Instagram. (recently released for the Android too!)
i make frequent posts there (though mostly of food, kitties, and nicknacks).
find me there if you have an Iphone or Android! username : audkawa


  1. Stunning so far! Can't wait for the show!

  2. wow, it looks wonderful! congratulations!

  3. Wow, bold concept! I'm always amazed how you can do such intricate work without messing up any of the lines. You must have a super steady hand.

  4. I really can't wait for your show! I love that gallery, and think your work would look extra beautiful in that space!

  5. Wow...thinking Japanese type stencils with maybe not Japanese subject matter...looking forward to seeing where these go (as a long time, lurking, fan).

  6. fab! hope you post the finished artworks soon... =^.^=

  7. i love your artwork it so serene it's like a story trying to explain its self in one picture.

  8. Congratulations on this new direction! Very intrigued to see more, really enjoying the glimpse here :)

  9. love, love loving where you are exploring with the graphic blacks! So striking!!

  10. So excited you're doing another solo exhibit at JLG. I'll definitely be there :)

  11. Perfect! loving your solid black work of art. I am trying to manage my passion of art along with my job of proving online class taking services. Time management is a big issue of my life, I never have enough time to pay attention on my art. When I see people really working hard to make their art admirable I really appreciate their efforts as I know how much focus and energy it takes.
